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Sunflower protest by Voedselpark Amsterdam

Linking Scientific Knowledge on Biodiversity Loss to Concrete, Hopeful Action: Insights from the ‘Navigating the Anthropocene’ Conference

Esther Turnhout, Tamalone van den Eijnden and Iris Poels from the initiative Voedselpark Amsterdam joined the “Navigating the Anthropocene” conference at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. One central question that emerged was about the role of science in the face of climate change and biodiversity loss. Is it possible to have ‘value-free’ knowledge on these complex and entangled issues?

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Prof. Esther Turnhout at IPBES 11 in Namibia

Prof. Esther Turnhout featured on Radio Show about IPBES11

Interview with Prof. Esther Turnhout on key insights IPBES 11 On December 15th, Prof. Esther Turnhout, a BIOTraCes partner from the University of Twente, was interviewed on the Dutch radio show Vroege Vogels during the 11th IPBES conference. In the interview, Turnhout shares insights into the Transformative Change assessment, a

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