Influencer and Stakeholder Board

Josephine Becker

Josephine Becker is a doctoral student at the University of Vigo. She/they hold/s a BSc in Environmental Science from the University of Dundee. They also hold an MSc in Sustainability and Behaviour Change from Liverpool John Moores University. Their research lies at the intersection of social movement studies and degrowth/ecological economy. It focuses on disruptive protest, autonomous prefigurative politics, and politically engaged research. Actively involved in grassroots movements, Josephine co-hosts the YIKES Podcast and hosts the Instagram account @treesnpeace. There, they emphasise political education, climate justice, abolitionism, feminism and betraying whiteness.

Martin Lok

Martin Lok is the Executive Director of the Capitals Coalition. This is a global collaboration which redefines value to transform decision-making. It hosts and champions the “capitals approach”. This approach is used by businesses, finance and governments to include the value of natural, social and human capital in their decision-making.

Frédéric Lemaitre

Frédéric Lemaitre manages society and policy impact at Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership. Frédéric is experienced in European project management and international environmental affairs. Moreover, he is knowledgeable about European biodiversity research and innovation on nature-based solutions. Frédéric holds an MSc in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He also holds a Bachelor’s degrees in finance and business from Dublin City University and Reims Management School.

Jessica Micklem

Jessica Micklem studied biodiversity and ecosystems. After her studies, she became involved in youth advocacy within the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). She co-founded the European chapter of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network. It serves as the youth constituency to the CBD. Jessica has been empowering young activists and representing youth voices . Eventually, this led to her participation in the negotiations for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Rayka Hauser

Rayka Hauser is policy officer at the Biodiversity Unit DG Env (Natural Capital and Ecosystem Health of the European Commission. There, she spearheads the Biodiversity Strategy. On top of that, she coordinates the EU Biodiversity Platform.

Rev. Dr. Peter Pavlovic

Rev. Dr. Peter Pavlovic is the study secretary of the Conference of European Churches (CEC). He is also secretary of the European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN). Peter actively engages churches in society and in the dialogue with European political institutions. Furthermore, he promotes Christian social ethics in dialogue with science, ethics and politics. Peter holds degrees both from physics and theology. He focuses on theological and ethical concerns related to faith and economy, ecology, and sustainable development.