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In this section, BIOTraCES will keep you up to date with the latest news on biodiversity and societal transformation.
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TC4BE The Transformative Change for Biodiversity and Equity (TC4BE) project began in 2022 and will last until 2026. TC4BE will support transdisciplinary research to  co-generate transformative change pathways in the context of telecoupled agrofood systems. It will engage diverse stakeholders and explore plural perspectives within the EU and partner countries

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SELINA SELINA (Science for Evidence-based and sustainabLe decIsions about NAtural capital) is a Horizon Europe funded EU project that aims at improving the uptake of biodiversity, ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services information within the decision-making processes in the public and private sectors. Through a collaboration of experts from 50 partner organisations

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BAMBOO Biodiversity is at a high risk of a 6th mass extinction. Widespread trade networks spanning our globe allow consumption in one part of the world to cause biodiversity impacts elsewhere. Unfortunately, we have limited and incomplete tools for assessing the impacts of trade on biodiversity, which hampers mitigating these

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RAINFOREST Halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity requires transformative change of food and biomass systems, addressing the nexus of agricultural production, processing andtransport, retailing, consumer preferences and diets, as well as investment,climate action and ecosystem conservation and restoration. The RAINFOREST project will contribute to enabling, upscaling and accelerating transformative

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BIOTRAILS Nexus framework for biodiversity-relevant transformative change BIOTRAILS’s main mission is to generate knowledge and develop tools that will inspire and accelerate biodiversity-relevant transformative change in our society, using Participatory Systems Dynamics Modelling (PSDM) to take into account the complex interrelations between the indirect drivers of change in four value

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CircHive The CircHive project is helping businesses and public sector organisations recognise, measure and report on their impacts on nature. By recognising their impacts on nature, CircHive aims to help organisations make more informed decisions that protect ecosystems, enhance biodiversity and unlock new opportunities for society and businesses. CircHive aims

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BioValue BioValue leverages transformative change in spatial policymaking, planning practices and infrastructures development, to upscale opportunities for valuing biodiversity in support of EU strategic actions. The project explores transformative change in three Arenas for Transformation, representing different spatial planning systems and cultures, as well as distinct scales and biodiversity-related situations:

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CLEVER The CLEVER project adopts a novel holistic approach to investigate how international trade in agricultural and forest products affects biodiversity, particularly for animal feed, energy crops, tropical timber and aquaculture products. Based on this knowledge, CLEVER aims at discovering new opportunities for biodiversity conservation. The final goal is to

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BIONEXT BIONEXT is a research and innovation project that joins the fight for nature and biodiversity. The project produces new evidence to better understand biodiversity loss and demonstrates how biodiversity underpins every aspect of life; the water we drink, the food we eat, and our health. To secure and protect

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PLANET4B Better decisions for biodiversity and people Despite the mounting scientific evidence on the importance of biodiversity, it still takes a back seat to political and other agendas.   How can we change this alarming situation? How can we make better decisions for biodiversity and people on individiual and institutional

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