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Calling PhD students interested in “Transformative Research for Sustainability Challenges”.
This course provides PhD candidateswith exciting concepts and methods to enhance the potential of their research to beneficially contribute to society and the environment.
Participants are guided through a process designed to surface and examine fundamental assumptions that underpin their research approaches to inspire future trajectories both within and beyond their PhD.
The course is will be hosted this year by University of Twente (UT) and includes scholars from the Urban Futures Studio at the Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) and the federation of four Dutch universities of technology (4TU). They will guide students through critical concepts, methodological innovations, and tricky dilemmas that have challenged and enabled their own work.
The course content focuses on four main aspects of transformative research identified in the 71 Visions Report. This course received an Education Innovation Award in 2021 and is supported by WIMEK, EWUU Alliance, Urban Futures Studio, Utrecht University and Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo).
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For more info, watch the course video on: